Table of Contents
Mircea-Gheorghe AbrudanFrom the University of Cluj and the Romanian Academy to Communist Prisons: The Arrest (5–6 May 1950) and Incarceration (May 1950 – July 1955) of Historian Ioan Lupaș (1880–1967)
Florin-Laurenţiu BucurLiteracy Efforts of Transylvanian Society in the Years before the Great War. The Case of Transylvanian Soldiers Enlisted in the Austro- Hungarian Armed Units
Gheorghe ClivetiLe congrès de Berlin et l’indépendance de la Roumanie
Ela CosmaDocumentary Heritage Collections Edited by the Institute of History from Cluj (1920–2022)
Daniela DeteșanLe divorce chez les Roumains orthodoxes au sud de la Transylvanie dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siecle
Francesco FrizzeraItalian-Speaking Austrian Citizens on the Eastern Front (1914–1918). Exploring the East in Autobiographical Writings
CORNEL SIGMIREANRomanian Students from Transylvania at European Universities. University as Educational Ideal (15–17th Centuries)
Reviews and Bibliographical Notes
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