Nina Florentina Cristea

Abstract. Elegance, fashion, design and other female activities were subjected to different pressures, desires and possibilities during communism. To be a woman in those times was a challenge, and with all the pressure, you also had to keep your femininity and elegance. Fashion and activities related to this sphere took various forms depending on the period and depending on the models that stood out at that time. It is easy to observe differences between the ᾿50s, the ᾿60s and the first part of the ᾿70s, or the ᾽80s.

The research is based on interviews, archival documents and the bibliography available at this moment, beyond what was officially presented in the communist


The hypothesis is that during the communist period, despite the template officially drawn by the communist party, women managed to keep their elegance and, by certain means, avoided the rigid pattern of the party.

Keywords: Fashion, policy, communist regime, women’s magazines, female typologies.

Femininity and Elegance in Romanian Communism (1945–1989)